Governor of Himachal Pradesh- inspecting live display of Hydroponic Cucumber
Written by Yussouf Khan
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HonorableGovernor Inspecting- Live Display(19th Sept - 21st Sept 2017) of Hydroponic Cucumber by Khan Mushroom Farm at Dr. Y S parmar University, Nauni Solan
Arabian Gulf News Magazine Correspondent after having conducted a short interview in Bahrain, Jan 2017
National Award for the Promotion of Mushroom Cultivation in India
Written by Yussouf Khan
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Different activities in the ongoing training program at Khan Mushroom Farm
Written by Yussouf Khan
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Various activities are going on in the training program which is in progress for the farmers from Kinnaur & RAWE program of Palampur Agriculture University.

B.Sc. Agriculture final year students arrived at Khan Mushroom Farm & Training Centre for one month industrial training.